==================================== r4888 ===================================== Bd : FS time offset drifting rapidly. Ran setcl offset at 08:00. Formatter to cpu time difference greater than 248 days message at 00:00. Glitch?. Ny : High winds (22:55-04:55). Wn : Did not observe. No problems found for : Ag, Ft, Ht, Is, Ke, Kk, Ww, Wz, Yg ================================ r4888ag READY ================================= 2019-04-04 17:55:19 R4888, AGGO, Ready Message AGGO (Ag) READY for R4888 : First source: 0727-115 @ 18:30:00 UT (start data). Sky condition: mostly cloudy, light rain, light air Ambient Temperature: 19,5°C Cryogenic Temps: LowStg=28K / IntStg=69K Vaccum pressure < 2nB fmout-gps=4.9148E-8 Tsys: (X,S): 144, 108 Regards, AGGO ================================ r4888ag START ================================= 2019-04-04 18:36:40 R4888, AGGO, Start Message AGGO (Ag) started R4888 at scheduled time. First source: 0727-115@ 18:30:00 UT (start data) Sky condition: mostly cloudy, no rain, light air Ambient Temperature: 19,7°C Cryogenic Temps: LowStg=27K / IntStg=69K Vaccum pressure < 2nB fmout-gps=3.7766E-8 Regards, AGGO ================================= r4888ag STOP ================================= 2019-04-05 20:13:16 R4888 AGGO, STOP message AGGO finished R4888 at scheduled time Last scan: 2255-282 @ 18:23:50 End of schedule: 095 - 18:26:52 UT DATA will be sent to WACO by e-transfer ALL scans recorded Regards, AGGO ================================ r4888bd READY ================================= 2019-04-04 18:23:13 IVS R4888 Badary, Ready-message Session IVS R4888 Ready message for Badary. Mark5B+ recorder. GPS-FMOUT: 0.648 microseconds. Wx: Temperature (C):-3; Pressure (mBar):918; Humdity (%):52 Sky conditions: cloudy State of cryogenic system: on (cold) Pointing values: SEFD X RCP/S RCP Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 598/291 Taurus A 235/50 -0.00019 -0.01994 Tsys X RCP/S RCP: 33/45 Operators Slepkova ================================ r4888bd START ================================= 2019-04-04 18:32:25 R4888 Badary, Start-message Badary started IVS R4888 session as scheduled at 94/18:30:00 UTC. First source 1128+385 Operators Slepkova, Nekrasova ================================= r4888bd STOP ================================= 2019-04-05 18:30:55 R4888Badary, Stop-message Badary ends R4888 observing 330 Session were recorded on module IAAC+016/8000 Disk Inventory: H-3 Operators Slepkova, Nekrasova,Zadrusky,Lysakova. ================================ r4888ft READY ================================= 2019-04-04 18:11:14 R4888, Fortaleza, Ready-message Session R4888 ready-message for Fortaleza. ------------------------------------------- Comments: First source: 0727-115 at 094 - 18:30:00 UT. FMOUT-GPS: 0.318 microseconds. Sky Conditions: Mostly cloudy. Cable difference is: longer cable makes the reading larger by 105.3 microseconds and is nominal. Pointing values: SEFD (X/S) Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 -- Cas-A 358/27 0.025 -0.005 -- FORTALEZA VLBI TEAM. ================================ r4888ft START ================================= 2019-04-04 18:30:23 R4888, Fortaleza, Start-message Session R4888 Start message for Fortaleza.-------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 0727-115 at 094 - 18:30:00 UT as scheduled. -- FORTALEZA VLBI TEAM. ================================= r4888ft STOP ================================= 2019-04-05 18:36:39 R4888, Fortaleza, Stop-message Fortaleza finished R4888 session at scheduled time. End of schedule: 095 - 18:26:46 UTComments:All scans recorded.Data will be send to WACO by e-transfer . Disk Inventory Size 2000GB = 03 Size 4000GB = 02 Size 8000GB = 10Size 16000GB = 01 Other Size (1000GB) = 01 Last update: APR/2018. VLBI TEAM ================================ r4888ht READY ================================= 2019-04-04 18:17:02 r4888, Hart15M, Ready-message Session r4888 ready message for Hart15M. ---------------------------------------- Comments: Hart15m is ready to start R4888 all systems are nominal First source: 1128+385 at 18:30:00 UT FMOUT-GPS: 0.8990 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): 16.6 Pressure (mBar): 862.4 Humidity (%): 85.8 Sky Conditions: Clear sky Cable difference is: na Pointing values: na Tsys (x1/s/x2): 38.7/57.7/41.6 ================================ r4888ht START ================================= 2019-04-04 18:30:00 r4888, Hart15M, Autostart-message Session r4888 auto-start message for Hart15M. --------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 1128+385 at 094.18:30:00 UT ================================= r4888ht STOP ================================= 2019-04-05 18:30:28 r4888, Hart15M, Stop-message Session r4888 stop message for Hart15M. --------------------------------------- Comments: Hart15M has completed R4888. All scans recorded successfully. Weather conditions were clear initially then overcast with intermittent rain from the middle to the end. Data will be e-shipped to Washington Disk Inventory: A 0, B 0, C 0, D 0, E 0, F 0, G 1, H 0, (other larger) 8 Observation finished at: 18:29:55 UT ================================ r4888is READY ================================= 2019-04-03 07:14:42 [vlbi] aov034, i19093, r4888, q19096 and q19097, Ishioka, Ready-message Ishioka is ready for aov034, i19093, r4888, q19096 and q19097. First source of aov034 is 1334-127 at 093day 18:00:00(UT). First source of i19093 is 1751+288 at 093day 18:30:00(UT). First source of r4888 is 1128+385 at 094day 18:30:00(UT). First source of q19096 is 0133+476 at 096day 07:30:00(UT). First source of q19097 is 0016+731 at 097day 07:30:00(UT). The data recorder is K5/VSI system. All systems are normal. Weather is fine Temp:10.4 C, Hum:41.0 %, Pres:1001.6 hPa FMOUT - GPS = +597.3 nsec at 093-06:57 Tsys: X-band=43.7 K, S-band=186.1 K (EL=90) SEFD: X-band=1355.5 Jy, S-band=2573.5 Jy (Taurus-A, AZ=145.1, EL=73.3) About aov034 data transfer, Correlator is SHAO. data server(GSI) -> iserv02 data directory(k5) -> /ddn/vlbi/data/aov034is data directory(m5b) -> /ddn/vlbi/data/aov034is/m5b We will inform SHAO, when the data is ready. About i19093 data transfer, Correlator is WASH. data server(GSI) -> iserv02 data directory(m5b) -> /ddn/vlbi/data/i19093is/m5b We will inform WACO, when the data is ready. About r4888 data transfer, Correlator is WASH. data server(GSI) -> iserv02 data directory(m5b) -> /ddn/vlbi/data/r4888is/m5b We will inform WACO, when the data is ready. About q19096 data transfer, Correlator is GSI. data server(Tsukuba) -> iserv02 data directory(k5) -> /ddn/vlbi/data/q19096is About q19097 data transfer, Correlator is GSI. data server(Tsukuba) -> iserv02 data directory(k5) -> /ddn/vlbi/data/q19097is Sincerely, Kentaro Nozawa, GSI/AES =================================================== GSI VLBI group Geospatial Information Authority of Japan web: http://www.spacegeodesy.go.jp/vlbi/en/ =================================================== ================================ r4888is START ================================= 2019-04-04 18:33:04 r4888, Ishioka, Start-message Session r4888 start message for Ishioka ---------------------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source 1128+385 at 2019/094/18:30:00UT FMOUT-GPS : +0.609 microseconds Wx: Temperature(C): 7.9 Pressure(hPa): 995.5 Humidity(%): 83.4 ================================= r4888is STOP ================================= 2019-04-08 00:04:29 [vlbi] aov034, r4888, q19096 and q19097, Ishioka, Stop-message Ishioka finished aov034, r4888, q19096 and q19097. Comments: All scans were recorded. *NOTE* Session: aov034 No data: from 093-1818 to 093-1944 We did not participate aov034 from 18:18 to 19:44 to observe INT1 Q19093. Problem scan: Session:r4888 [Source] [Scan start] [problem] 1846+322 094-2022b "Antenna off-source!" from 20:24:25 to 20:24:29 --- Automatic measurement results at about 094-17:57 --- Temp: 9.7 C, Hum:58.0 %, Pres:995.8 hPa FMOUT - GPS = +607.3 nsec at 094-17:57 (UT). Tsys: X-band=43.7 K, S-band=222.4 K (EL=90) SEFD: X-band=1331.6 Jy, S-band=2281.9 Jy (Cygnus-A, AZ=66.4, EL=47.4) --- Automatic measurement results at about 095-18:23 --- Temp: 11.9 C, Hum:53.0 %, Pres:990.5 hPa FMOUT - GPS = +615.6 nsec at 095-18:23 (UT). Tsys: X-band=44.2 K, S-band=252.8 K (EL=90) SEFD: X-band=1346.5 Jy, S-band=2292.6 Jy (Cygnus-A, AZ=68.2, EL=53.5) --- Automatic measurement results at about 096-08:29 --- Temp: 16.2 C, Hum:25.2 %, Pres:994.6 hPa FMOUT - GPS = +604.0 nsec at 096-08:29 (UT). Tsys: X-band=44.5 K, S-band=389.7 K (EL=90) SEFD: X-band=1355.8 Jy, S-band=2154.0 Jy (Taurus-A, AZ=235.9, EL=67.7) --- Automatic measurement results at about 097-08:26 --- Temp: 14.8 C, Hum:85.8 %, Pres:991.1 hPa FMOUT - GPS = +604.9 nsec at 097-08:26 (UT). Tsys: X-band=45.3 K, S-band=485.2 K (EL=90) SEFD: X-band=1380.4 Jy, S-band=2177.7 Jy (Taurus-A, AZ=236.6, EL=67.4) We put the file "aov034is.log", "r4888is.log", "q19096is.log" and "q19097is.log" on "cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov". Sincerely, Kentaro Nozawa, GSI/AES =================================================== GSI VLBI group Geospatial Information Authority of Japan web: http://www.spacegeodesy.go.jp/vlbi/en/ =================================================== ================================ r4888ke START ================================= 2019-04-04 18:43:31 r4888, Katherine (Ke), start message Session r4888 start message for Katherine (Ke) ----------------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 1128+385 at 094/18:30:00 UT Comments: Experiment started OK Regards, Tiege University of Tasmania Electronic Communications Policy (December, 2014). This email is confidential, and is for the intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone outside the intended recipient organisation is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender. The views expressed in this email are not necessarily the views of the University of Tasmania, unless clearly intended otherwise. ================================= r4888ke STOP ================================= 2019-04-05 18:37:02 Katherine has completed r4888 Katherine has completed r4888 The log and procedure files from experiment r4888 have been copied to ivs.bkg.bund.de: Formatter (H-maser) leads GPS by 5.7049 microsec at 2019.095.18:27:41.03 Additional experiment notes: Recorded 1803.46 GB on USN-0179. The data is being transferred electronically to WASH. Known Problems? Compared to Yarragadee, Katherine was lagging 3 times more data (-15 Gb vs -5Gb) Missed Scans? none Observers Tiege, warren, and mas Regards, mas Comments from the Log: 95.06:03:21 UT Tsys for S and X bands quite high 95.08:25:47 UT Tsys for S band quite high 95.10:36:39 UT Tsys for S band quite high 95.12:15:19 UT Tsys for S band quite high 95.16:37:32 UT Tsys for S band quite high University of Tasmania Electronic Communications Policy (December, 2014). This email is confidential, and is for the intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone outside the intended recipient organisation is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender. The views expressed in this email are not necessarily the views of the University of Tasmania, unless clearly intended otherwise. ================================= r4888ke WIKI ================================= 2019-04-04 21:50:00 r4888 Katherine 12m Disk VSN: USN-0179/2000/1024 | Data volume at beginning:0.224 GB 1830UT - Experiment started OK (Tiege). 2150UT - Compared to Yg, we are lagging 3 times more data at Ke (-15GB vs -5GB) (Tiege) ================================ r4888kk READY ================================= 2019-04-04 19:36:08 r4888, Kokee Park, Ready-message Session r4888 ready message for Kokee Park. ------------------------------------------- Comments: Cable cal and pointing checks done prior to experiment i19094. First source: 3c418 at 094/1936:36 UT FMOUT-GPS: +6.93 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): 16.5 Pressure (mBar): 892.1 Humidity (%): 34.2 Sky Conditions: clear sly Cable difference is: longer cable makes the reading larger by 50.2 microseconds and is nominal Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 1737/595 casa 32/36 0.009 0.011 1556/621 cygnusa 7/71 0.018 0.003 Tsys (x1/s/x2): 72/33/40 ================================ r4888kk START ================================= 2019-04-04 19:36:36 r4888, Kokee Park, Autostart-message Session r4888 auto-start message for Kokee Park. ------------------------------------------------ Started recording with source: 3c418 at 094.19:36:36 UT ================================= r4888kk STOP ================================= 2019-04-05 18:32:48 r4888, Kokee Park, Stop-message Session r4888 stop message for Kokee Park. ------------------------------------------ Comments: No post pointing check done due to short turnaround. Data on diskpack UAO-0016 to be sent out via FedEx AWB#7748 2686 9361 Disk Inventory: A 0, B 0, C 0, D 8, E 2, F 1, G 4, H 0, (other larger) 5 Observation finished at: 095/1826:52 UT ================================ r4888ny READY ================================= 2019-04-04 17:55:28 r4888, Ny-Alesund, Ready-message Session r4888 ready message for Ny-Alesund. ------------------------------------------- Comments: Winds between 10 and 15 m/s First source: 1128+385 at 18:30:00 UT GPS-FMOUT: 178.8 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): -5 Pressure (mBar): 999 Humidity (%): 92 Sky Conditions: Cloudy Cable difference is: longer cable makes the reading larger by 652 microseconds and is nominal Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 838/1376 cygnusa 349/30 0.0053 0.0200 919/1306 casa 312/53 -0.0084 0.0288 899/1492 taurusa 210/32 -0.0037 0.0088 Tsys (IFA/IFB/IFC): 52/51/125 ================================ r4888ny START ================================= 2019-04-04 18:30:00 r4888, Ny-Alesund, Autostart-message Session r4888 auto-start message for Ny-Alesund. ------------------------------------------------ Started recording with source: 1128+385 at 094.18:30:00 UT ================================= r4888ny STOP ================================= 2019-04-05 18:36:48 r4888, Ny-Alesund, Stop-message Session r4888 stop message for Ny-Alesund. ------------------------------------------ Comments: stopped observation 094-2255 and started 095-0495 due ti high winds Disk Inventory: A 0, B 0, C 0, D 6, E 0, F 0, G 0, H 0, (other larger) 10 Observation finished at: 18:28:27 UT ================================ r4888wz START ================================= 2019-04-04 19:44:46 r4888, Wettzell (wz), Start-message Wettzell (wz) started r4888 at scheduled time. First source (wz): OJ287 at 19:33:43 UT. dUT (EFOS18; REF) = 4.537 usec at 094/17:45UT dUT (TAC2; REF) = 0.943 usec at 094/17:45UT WX/partly covered, no rain, no wind. Regards, Wettzell obs. ================================= r4888wz STOP ================================= 2019-04-05 18:30:20 R4888, Wettzell (wz), Stop-message Wettzell (wz) stopped R4888 at scheduled time. Last source (wz): 0656+082 at 18:28:27 UT (stop data). All scans recorded; Weather: thin layer clouds, dry. Regards, Wettzell obs. ================================ r4888yg START ================================= 2019-04-04 18:44:10 r4888, Yarragadee (Yg), start message Session r4888 start message for Yarragadee (Yg) ----------------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 1128+385 at 094/18:30:00 UT Comments: Experiment started OK Regards, Tiege University of Tasmania Electronic Communications Policy (December, 2014). This email is confidential, and is for the intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone outside the intended recipient organisation is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender. The views expressed in this email are not necessarily the views of the University of Tasmania, unless clearly intended otherwise. ================================= r4888yg STOP ================================= 2019-04-05 18:39:51 Yarragadee has completed r4888 Yarragadee has completed r4888 The log and procedure files from experiment r4888 have been copied to ivs.bkg.bund.de: Formatter (H-maser) leads GPS by 8.7193 microsec at 2019.095.18:27:40.03 Additional experiment notes: Recorded 1717.69 GB on JIVE-020. The data is being transferred electronically to WASH. Known Problems? Telescope still slewing when recording started for scan 094-2144c Missed Scans? none Observers Tiege, warren, and mas Regards, mas Comments from the Log: 95.06:03:42 UT Tsys for S band quite high 95.08:26:09 UT Tsys for S band quite high. Problem with maser vncviewer 95.12:15:38 UT Tsys for S band quite high 95.16:37:45 UT Tsys for S band quite high. Problem with maser vncviewer University of Tasmania Electronic Communications Policy (December, 2014). This email is confidential, and is for the intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone outside the intended recipient organisation is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender. The views expressed in this email are not necessarily the views of the University of Tasmania, unless clearly intended otherwise. ================================= r4888yg WIKI ================================= 2019-04-04 21:50:00 r4888 Yarragadee 12m Disk VSN: JIVE-020/2000/1024 | Data volume at beginning: 16.912 GB 1830UT Experiment started OK (Tiege). 2144UT Telescope still slewing when recording started for scan 094-2144c (Tiege) ================================================================================